Breath therapy is a dynamic breathing process which goes beyond ‘positive thinking’ and allows us to gain access to our core issues and give us the opportunity to make positive changes that affect every aspect of our lives:

  • Release stress, negativity and anxiety

  • Develop self confidence a deeper, stronger belief in yourself

  • Improve Self Assertion: Clear blockages that limit your ability to express yourself

  • Gain energy, enthusiasm and motivation

  • Release limiting fears, manage destructive anger, release sadness and increase joy

  • Heal the underlying, unresolved issues that give rise to addictions

  • Free yourself from fears of disapproval and rejection.

  • Exchange feelings of depression and hopelessness for inner peace and freedom

  • Improved performance in career, sport, and every day life

Breathing is the key ingredient in physical, emotional and mental health. It unifies and integrates the body, mind and spirit. It is the meeting ground between the conscious and the unconscious. You can take a breath consciously, then turn your attention elsewhere, and the breathing will continue on its own. Integral Breath Therapy is useful in healing the split between the conscious and the unconscious mind.